TRANSFORMERS are an ancient race of sentient mechanical beings from the planet Cybertron. Plagued by millennia of civil war, the heroic Autobots left their ravaged planet and found refuge on Earth. Under the leadership of Optimus Prime, they use their unique ability to change into vehicles and other forms of technology to blend into their surroundings. They now live as robots in disguise.
But any hopes for finding peace on their adopted home were dashed with the arrival of Megatron and his fearsome army of Decepticons. In the final confrontation, one shall stand, and one shall fall. In a history spanning decades, TRANSFORMERS has become one of the most successful entertainment franchises in the world.
The coins dramatically depict Optimus Prime and Megatron in high-quality colour. These are set against an engraved relief background along with the iconic TRANSFORMERS logo.
Mintage: 5000
Composition: 99.99% pure silver
Weight: 31 g each
Diameter: 40.7 mm
Face Value: $2