Throughout its history, each of the nickel’s transformations provides a glimpse of a young nation that was seeking to define itself, and a Mint that would come into its own. This Legacy of the...
Throughout its history, each of the nickel’s transformations provides a glimpse of a young nation that was seeking to define itself, and a Mint that would come into its own. This Legacy of the...
Celebrate the history and artistry of Canadian circulation coinage with this fine silver 5-cent piece—part of the Royal Canadian Mint’s new series featuring Canada’s six circulation coins. Each...
Each folder has four clear vinyl pages with pockets to completely cover coin for ultimate protection while leaving both sidesof the coin in view. The inside cover of each folder has a table listing...
Throughout its history, each of the nickel’s transformations provides a glimpse of a young nation that was seeking to define itself, and a Mint that would quickly come into its own. This Legacy of...