
WHERE IS THE FINAL INFINITY STONE? (a.k.a., help me sleep at night till Avengers:Infinity War)

Where is it. Where the heck is it. Tell me where it is. Please.

By now, I hope you've all seen the final Infinity War trailer. We've got something like 39 days till the premiere, and that's fantastic. But after 18 films and ten years, the Soul Stone has yet to surface. Where is it? Who has it? I don't know. Let's break down what we DO know.

Image result for infinity gauntlet

Thanos has the Infinity Gauntlet, a weapon capable of bending reality to his will and allowing him to wreak havoc essentially unopposed. It's powered by the six infinity stones, each with a unique power set and dangerous enough on their own.

Image result for tesseract  Image result for tesseract red skull

The first stone seen on screen was the Tesseract, and has already been the focus of TWO Marvel films, Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) and The Avengers (2012). Seen to have some sort of murkily-defined teleportation powers, the Tesseract was last seen being eyed up by Loki in the final battle of Thor: Ragnarok, and given the Infinity War trailers we've seen thus far, is likely in his possession when Thanos comes a knockin'. Poor God of Mischief. 

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The Aether is featured heavily in nobody's favourite Marvel movie, Thor: The Dark World (2013). Giving the user the ability to manipulate reality, the Aether briefly possessed Jane Foster and gave Thor a hard time before winding up in the hands of the Collector, who we'll remember from Guardians of the Galaxy. The Collector is set to reappear in Infinity War, likely to briefly get a whoopin during Thanos' quest to ruin everybody's day. We'll have to wait and see.

Image result for the orb guardians of the galaxy

The Orb was the central MacGuffin in the first Guardians of the Galaxy, as was it central to Ronan the Accuser's crusade against Xandar. While his plot was foiled and the Orb was palced in the custody of Xandar's Nova Corps, most of the trailers fyor Infinity War depict Thanos arriving on Earth with the Orb (and the Aether, for that matter) already in his possession. Will we see the remainder of the Nova Corps decimated on screen? Probably, I dunno. This is a coin site blog. I'm not Kevin Feige. 

Image result for vision forehead mcu Image result for loki's scepter

While audiences were only officially introduced to the Mind Stone in Age of Ultron (2015), it was made known in that film that Loki's scepter actually contained the stone all the way back in the first Avengers (2012). Thanos gave Loki his "glow stick of destiny" (Iron Man's words, not mine) to aid him in his attempted conquest of Earth and retrieval of the Tesseract. Thanos shouldn't visit Vegas when he comes to Earth, because that was a bad gamble, as he lost both stones in the process. Anyway, fast forward 3 years and several brainwashings later, the Mind Stone is in the possession of the Vision, an android essentially half stone, half Jarvis. Vision obviously has a lot to worry about when Thanos comes to town, which has led many to believe that the climax of the film will feature a large siege of Wakanda, where Avengers and Wakandan forces will try to protect the Vision from Thanos' onslaught.

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The final Stone depicted on screen thus far is the Eye of Agamotto, an ancient artifact employed by Doctor Strange to hilarious effect when forcing Dormammu to cancel his invasion of our realm. Also known as the Time Stone, the Eye allows its user to travel back and forth through, you guessed it, time.

Image result for heimdall Image result for cap vs thanos

So...where is the Soul Stone? The final stone has been hinted at on screen, but its exact wherabouts are still unknown. Many theories are afoot, with fans pointing to potential wielders such as Heimdall (his eyes are orange-y, I think thats as far as that one goes). After the final Infinity War trailer was released, some have begun suspecting Steve Rogers himself of being the final stone, as they doubt Cap's ability to go toe-to-toe with Thanos without any extra enhancements. Some have pointed out what they believe to be subtle changes in Steve's eye color in a few of the frames, arguing it as further evidence. A little much? Maybe. But I wanna know as bad as the next guy, and so do you, after all, you read this whole thing. So who are we to judge.

Any ideas? Theories? Let us know. Also, if you could come buy some comics and stuff, that would be really great.

Till next week folks!

18th Mar 2018 Tim Hanson

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